Sunday, June 3, 2018

Automation ... benefit, or ... not so much... ?

I've been "urban boondocking" this last month while in Co. Springs. I've eaten in McDonalds for breakfast. They have Large coffee for $1 and a sausage burrito for $1.  They ALSO have a new innovation that is very useful. It is a "place your order station". You can use what is basically a touch screen computer with a pay input . Once you place your order, you take a thingy with a number that allows someone to bring you your order. Now this is not news to most of you. The benefit is you reduce having to stand in line. It is more efficient. For McDonalds , it allows the employees to focus more on prepping food and beverages. It also reduces their overall need for employees. And that's what *I* consider the important effect. As automation becomes more efficient and accurate , the need for human workers will be seriously reduced. This is the first time in my life I've come to believe that eventually, some really smart computer system will start to "think" ... and what it will think is "what do we need people for?" This is the first time in my life I've seen this development as more than just a really creative and entertaining SciFi story. Just call me "John Connor".. hahahah. Ok, it's not really funny.

Friday, June 1, 2018

A lovely mounted Fire Extinguisher

The fire extinguisher, which is FULL, btw, is finally no longer on the floor (my default storage spot).  I mounted in on the wall of my trailer yesterday!  :)

A month in Colorado Springs (UPDATE: TWO MONTHS)

UPDATE:  I just realized I've been here TWO months!  

I've been in CO Springs for a little more than a month now.  I've been cleaning out my very large storage unit.  I have had a 12.5' x 25' storage unit. I had my Jeep Cherokee stored there, as well as large piles of stuff I did not want to get rid of . 

I am currently storing my Jeep at my friend Weldon's house , hopefully to move it to AZ sometime in the future.

I made a lot of progress in the first couple of weeks, and then just got stuck.  I have been puttering around for about 2 weeks.  What has motivated me significantly in the last few days is that it is getting up into the 90's during the day.   I've been finding places that have shade to hang out in the daytime.  I have to consider my dog Lacy, I can't just park the truck and go into a mall or something.  If I'm not comfortable in the truck, even with the windows open; then it's too hot for her.  I found a covered parking lot yesterday, we sat in the shade for about 2 hours.

My trailer does not have A/C , like many do.  Which is good for me.  I have to learn to deal with the weather.  So, suddenly, I got my butt in gear and have gotten busy.  I should be ready to start moving into the mountains real soon.  I'm waiting for a couple of packages which I should be receiving next week.  I have a prescription I can't get filled until tomorrow, June 2.

It's time for someone who does not like hot weather for to move on.