This post is about some of his followers here in Ehrenberg, AZ. There are all kinds of rumors flying about.
To provide some background, in the past, the BLM has had a history of not being very strict about enforcing the 14-day limit... this limit applies to almost all federal land where dispersed camping is allowed. This has has been a poorly-kept secret . Bob even posted a video from this January's Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) where a BLM ranger says so.
Now to the current slice of time: This area, and Bob's forum, are abuzz with stories of the BLM "cracking down" and kicking us all out. Supposedly they stopped and told many people they had 14 days starting at that time (this Tuesday, 12/19/17) .
This has been attributed to all kinds of things. The theory put forth by many was that it was because of trash. It's a good thing no one believed in human sacrifice; it could have been time to burn a witch! Boy, those darn Middle Ages!
Even though I'm no longer a member of the forum, it is still readable. For everybody. What I noticed was a distinct lack of anyone who had actually talked to a BLM ranger.
I went out in my truck yesterday and actually talked to people who were camped right on the main road, asking them if they had been told to leave. I talked to 5 or 6 people before I found the ONE GUY who had been told to leave. He even admitted it was probably because he got a little snarky with the Rangers. Remind anybody of anybody else???

What really bugs me about this is that many people were blaming Bob. Most of these people would not even be out here if it wasn't for Bob Wells and his website and YouTube channel (CHEAPRVLIVING) ... That includes me. Listening to him encouraged me to hit the road and live in my 6x12 cargo trailer. And AT NO TIME, did Bob ever say it would always be Rainbows and Moonbeams. It's REAL LIFE, there are ups and downs and barriers to overcome.
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