Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thanksgiving back in a HOUSE!

I was able to spend Thanksgiving with my family in Texas! My son, sister, niece and her husband live near San Antonio. 

A real bed! Hot running water! A dishwasher!  A kitchen!  Really good company.

In addition, I just have my Jeep. No trailer.  A new year of boondocking is in store.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

F150 troubleshooting before leaving Beulah

I made a couple of YouTube videos about some preliminary troubleshooting on my truck.


Sound of the noise

It starts at :29 seconds

Changes in plans

Since the last post, I've determined that my Jeep is not powerful enough to pull that trailer. 

I will be just taking the Jeep, and do some car-camping with it.  I will be pitching a tent for any 2 week spots.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

New Configuration for the WanderinPat mobile Bug Out vehicles

Truck is not functional.  I'm using my Jeep Cherokee, which was languishing in my friends yard, and a home-made trailer that a good friend gave me 2 years ago.

Not especially pretty.  In fact, it qualifies me for "trailer trash treatment"... "Keep movin , buster.  Nothin here for you"  .   😊

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Going to be heading out soon

I have a Doctor's appointment on 10/24/2018.  I plan to head out from Colorado as soon as possible after that. My goal is to go to New Braunfels, TX for Thanksgiving at my niece's house. 

I'll also get to see my son and my sister.  Camping in TX will be new for me.  I'm used to boondocking in places with lots of federal land.  Looking at the maps I have, there is not a lot of federal land between here and New Braunfels. 

So, I may just concentrate on getting to NB, and then find a place to camp. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Some changes are about to occur

The truck I've been using to tow my 6x12 car trailer has discontinued it's ability to reliably pull my trailer.  It's most likely a transmission component called a Torque Converter.  If it sounds expensive to pay someone to fix, that's because it is.

Thankfully, I have a 1998 Jeep Cherokee (XJ) that has been put out to pasture.  It still runs and will become my transportation for now.  I plan to pull a smaller trailer to carry things in, and car-camp in a tent.  I will also setup the Cherokee so that Lacy and I can sleep in the back if the weather gets crazy.

I have been wanting to drive my Jeep in some of the places I've been, so I'm in luck.
I had a rebuilt engine installed about 40k miles ago.  It has a 3" lift on it, and some pretty new off-road tires.

So, the last month or so, I've been hunkering down at my friend Weldon's property and getting ready to make the necessary changes.

some preliminary configuration practice (below) 

the trailer I will be pulling

Thursday, October 4, 2018

I am incredibly far behind on what I've been doing -- EDIT THIS

If anyone checks on me from time-to-time, please don't give up.  A lot has been going on, and keeping my blog up to date has been suffering as a result.

I left AZ around 3/29 ....

here's a brief summary of my time in Colorado summer and fall

3/20 /18  Grants, NM

3/21  Weldon's
4/1 COS GG storage
4/4 RR Rd
4/6 Doug's work site

Cleaning out my storage unit ...
urban camping
some RR Road
Until sometime in June

Lacy's surgery

Lake George
Labor Day (Friday before... Truck broke down)
Weldon's (Sept - 10/4 SO FAR)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Automation ... benefit, or ... not so much... ?

I've been "urban boondocking" this last month while in Co. Springs. I've eaten in McDonalds for breakfast. They have Large coffee for $1 and a sausage burrito for $1.  They ALSO have a new innovation that is very useful. It is a "place your order station". You can use what is basically a touch screen computer with a pay input . Once you place your order, you take a thingy with a number that allows someone to bring you your order. Now this is not news to most of you. The benefit is you reduce having to stand in line. It is more efficient. For McDonalds , it allows the employees to focus more on prepping food and beverages. It also reduces their overall need for employees. And that's what *I* consider the important effect. As automation becomes more efficient and accurate , the need for human workers will be seriously reduced. This is the first time in my life I've come to believe that eventually, some really smart computer system will start to "think" ... and what it will think is "what do we need people for?" This is the first time in my life I've seen this development as more than just a really creative and entertaining SciFi story. Just call me "John Connor".. hahahah. Ok, it's not really funny.

Friday, June 1, 2018

A lovely mounted Fire Extinguisher

The fire extinguisher, which is FULL, btw, is finally no longer on the floor (my default storage spot).  I mounted in on the wall of my trailer yesterday!  :)

A month in Colorado Springs (UPDATE: TWO MONTHS)

UPDATE:  I just realized I've been here TWO months!  

I've been in CO Springs for a little more than a month now.  I've been cleaning out my very large storage unit.  I have had a 12.5' x 25' storage unit. I had my Jeep Cherokee stored there, as well as large piles of stuff I did not want to get rid of . 

I am currently storing my Jeep at my friend Weldon's house , hopefully to move it to AZ sometime in the future.

I made a lot of progress in the first couple of weeks, and then just got stuck.  I have been puttering around for about 2 weeks.  What has motivated me significantly in the last few days is that it is getting up into the 90's during the day.   I've been finding places that have shade to hang out in the daytime.  I have to consider my dog Lacy, I can't just park the truck and go into a mall or something.  If I'm not comfortable in the truck, even with the windows open; then it's too hot for her.  I found a covered parking lot yesterday, we sat in the shade for about 2 hours.

My trailer does not have A/C , like many do.  Which is good for me.  I have to learn to deal with the weather.  So, suddenly, I got my butt in gear and have gotten busy.  I should be ready to start moving into the mountains real soon.  I'm waiting for a couple of packages which I should be receiving next week.  I have a prescription I can't get filled until tomorrow, June 2.

It's time for someone who does not like hot weather for to move on.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Thanks to my friend Scott!

One of the goodest guys I know... Scott M . "Helped me" work on my truck today. I think my sole (hahah) contribution was finding his socket wrench once. He did all of the work. I promised I wouldn't tell what a good guy he is, but I'm breaking my promise. I had to get rotors for both front and back, of course brake pads for both back and front, and calipers on the front. One of the pads was bare metal. Also, he replaced the parking brake cable I broke with my gigantic feet. He wouldn't take any $$$ . What a friend. Thaks, Scott.

Monday, April 23, 2018

40 years as a WIP

Almost 40 years. It just occurred to me. August 4, 1978 I chose to give my life to Jesus Christ. So, August 4 is my RE-Birthday. WIP? Work In Progress. I'm a long way from being perfect, but I am trying to do the right thing. I'm what theologian John Stott calls an abomination; an "unchurched Christian"... I'm just not a joiner. But, in my mind, I hear God's voice everyday. I was thinking about this as I woke up from my nap, and decided to post it. Thanks a lot, God.

(note: this is the same thing I posted on my FB page)

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

An additional Blog from me

I've been wanting to start a blog related to music I like ... I'm going to start with a list of music albums that I think are "perfect".... Great albums with no "filler" songs.
If you have any interest check it out.  I might make some YouTube videos eventually as well.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Campground host job summer 2018

I am SUPPOSED to have a job here this summer.

It is supposed to start around May 15.  I haven't heard a lot from the hiring manager yet.   So, I'm not sure what to expect.

Back in the Springs for a couple of weeks

I decided it's past time to clear out my storage unit that I've been holding on to for more than a year.  I have a much better idea of what I need / want to have.  My Jeep was in a large unit , along with a lot of tools, books, camping gear, and many other things.  Some of it is just short-sighted and stupid. 

My first 2 nights I stayed in Pueblo at my friend Weldon's place.  I got to plug into shore power and he loaned me a small electric heater .  I got real spoiled real fast. 
Then I tried to find a Walmart parking lot to stay in, and they've started to enforce the rules.  So, I stayed at Rampart Range Rd in Pike NF.  It was 9300 ft elevation and got down to 28 degrees.

Last night , (4/5/18) I stayed at my friend Doug's construction site.  Much warmer! 
So, I'll probably be here for another couple of weeks.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Leaving Ehrenberg ... heading to Colorado.

"Spent the night in Utah in a cave up in the hills"...

Ok, not really ...

I stayed in Holbrook , AZ and treated myself to a night in a Motel 6. Running Water, shower , heat, nice comfortable bed and TV, microwave, fridge. To a guy like me, it's the Ritz. I feel pampered. At this time, I'm thinking of spending a few nights on the road in campgrounds before I hit CO. I got a lot of work to do, and yesterday I got up at 5am, packed the truck, stopped in Prescott and drove over to Show Low . Took a sitting-up nap at a Walmart parking lot, maybe got an hour sleep. Drove over to Kelly and Teresa's place and visited for a while. Then rented a storage unit in Show Low and unloaded some stuff from my trailer and truck. Making room for stuff in my storage unit in Colorado that I don't take to Goodwill/Arc or throw away. Headed for Colorado early afternoon, and ran out of steam when I hit Holbrook, AZ. One of the easternmost exits in I40. Thinking about going to Cabezon Peak Wilderness Study Area in San Ysidro Wilderness Area and spending a couple of days. With less stuff in my trailer now, I desperately need to re-organize. And get some rest. The next couple of weeks are going to be busy.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Not much activity lately on my blog. Here's why.

No one is reading my blog.  Unless I point to it specifically from some other place.  You see, the "dashboard" lets me know how many hits each post gets.  And most of them are getting none. 

Some friends and family have told me that they've read my posts, but the dashboard says otherwise. 

So, if you DO read my blog, feel free to comment.  I had set moderated comments before, but for the time being, I'll take my chances.... even the trolls are ignoring me!  hahahahah. 

Poor poor pitiful me.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Uncle Pat goes to Jail

I was arrested for missing the drop-dead date to pay a ticket.  Hence, I was taken into custody in El Paso County. This occurred 9/27/2017. The nefarious crime occurred in Pueblo County, but the CSPD  were just helping out. 

Someone suggested that I start writing more stories down, and I decided to write this one as a children't story:

"Uncle Pat goes to Jail"

One day Your Aunt Mary was telling your cousin Tracy a story
This story was about the day that Uncle Pat went to jail
We'll talk about jail later, but it's a place that we always want to avoid.
People make you stay in the same place all the time,
And some of the other people staying there are kind of mean
It's kind of like church! 

Your uncle Pat got a ticket one day
(a ticket is a piece of paper those nice policemen sometimes give you because you did something naughty,
And they saw you doing it.
So, they give you this ticket, and you are supposed to give some money to some nice people who work in a building downtown called a courthouse.  You might find out about those later, when you start driving, or if your big sister likes to get you into trouble)

So, uncle Pat got a ticket. And that silly uncle Pat forgot to pay it. 
Silly uncle Pat.

So one day, he was in a pawn shop, buying a gun, and some nice policemen showed up and arrested uncle Pat.  He said, "But gosh darn it, why the heck are you doing this?"
And the nice policemen said , "Silly uncle Pat! You forgot to pay a ticket.  Now watch your head" as he made him sit in the back seat of the car, with handcuffs on.

That sweet dog Lacy was sitting in the car , waiting for that silly uncle Pat.  But the nice policemen let uncle Pat call his friend Weldon.  Nice uncle Weldon came and got Lacy and took her back to his house.

The nice policemen took Uncle Pat to the El Paso Country Jail and got him a room.  He had to share the room with other men who forgot to pay tickets, and had robbed banks and been mean to other people.  He had to stay at the jailhouse until they let him pay his fine , and then they let him go.  It took them 12 hours to let him go.  Thankfully, there was a toilet in the room where all the men were staying.  It wasn't nice like the one we have here at home, and it didn't have a door.  Or a toilet seat.

Uncle Pat was lucky.  He got very hungry, and the nice men who worked at the jailhouse brought a lunch with a cup with some kind of meat, and some lettuce and a cookie.  And a drink of some sort.  Uncle Pat ate everything they gave him, but was still hungry.  But the nice men who worked there reminded uncle Pat that the jailhouse is not a resort hotel, and they were very busy , and that it was a good idea to not complain. 

It was about 11:30 at night when uncle Pat got out of jail.  He was awfully happy to put that adventure behind him.  He told me that next time, he'll be sure to take care of any tickets that those nice policemen give him. 

The end.    

Summary and Evaluation of my first year on the road

A year ago today, I spent my first night sleeping in my cargo trailer at the 2017 RTR.
It's been a crazy year. I lost Taz, spent 12 hours in jail for forgetting to pay a ticket, got kicked out of 2 National Forests in CO, bent my trailer axle.
I also made some friends, a lot of acquaintances, learned a lot , saw a lot of cool places.
I'm thanking God, my family and friends, Bob Wells and Jaime from Enigmatic Nomadics, Jimindenver I especially thank God for his protection and keeping me company. I always felt like the Best Friend of all was with me, keeping me company and providing an ear to listen .
My goal was to stick it out for a year. If I hated it at the end of the year, I would do something else. Well, I'm hooked. I love it.
In fact, I still start laughing for no apparent reason; largely because I'm no longer working for 2 of the stupidest corporations to ever exist. [Image: 1f603.png] yuk, yuk.

Thanks to everybody.

[Note: if you have a problem with me talking about God , insert your own favorite deity.  Or lack thereof.  I'm expressing my feelings.  Smile )

I posted the following on my FB page 2/26 

A little more serious now:
I've been thinking a lot about future and past lately.   One thing I've realized is that this last year, with all of the crazy stuff that's happened to me; has been the best 12 months of my life.

I feel right now, even after almost setting myself, my trailer, and my wonderful dog Lacy,on fire, fantastic. There are now, and always will be , challenges. Things that make me wonder what the hell I'm doing. But I believe and know in my heart, that God is watching out for me.
But if I were to cross that bridge tonight, I would have no regrets. I would feel bad for those people who would miss me, but would feel like I've had a great life.
And that the best is yet to come.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

You're insane

Here's a little something in the vein of Weird Al... I'm publishing it here to support my copyright .  My plan is to get someone to sing it.

{performed to the music of "You're So Vain"}

You walked in to the party
Wearing your tin foil hat
You had a chastity belt outside your pants
Your shoes they didn’t match
You had one eye pointing up above
As you watched your big bald spot

And all the girls thought that you were a weirdo
Oh, such a weirdo

You’re insane
I bet you think your ass is a donut
You’re insane
I bet you think your ass is a pastry, don’t you don’t you

I saw you several years ago
Out on my own front porch
The cops that came arrested you
And drove your sad ass off
I gave up all the things I loved
And hauled-ass out of town
Now there’s piss in my corn flakes
Piss in my corn flakes

You’re insane
I bet you think your ass is a donut
You’re insane
I bet you think your ass is a pastry, don’t you don’t you

{guitar solo}

You’re insane
I bet you think your ass is a donut
You’re insane
I bet you think your ass is a pastry, don’t you don’t you

I heard you went to a hospital
For the criminally-insane
You flew that coop
In the blink of an eye
And you’re back on the run again

You’re not ever where you should be now
And when you are you’re with
A drug dealer guy or
Your Mom in her basement
Mom in her basement

{Chorus till finish}

You’re insane
I bet you think your ass is a donut
You’re insane
I bet you think your ass is a pastry, don’t you don’t you

Monday, February 26, 2018

2 Almost Darwin Awards

Things in the blog are a little out of order ... but that's ok.  I'm sorry if it's confusing.

Two nights ago, I woke up and had trouble breathing.  I usually do NOT sleep with the propane heater on.  I forgot to turn it off.  It was off.  So, it did not have enough O2 to burn.  I jumped up and opened the door, letting a lot of air in.  So, it either consumed all the oxygen, or filled the trailer with CO.
Either way, I believe God was watching out for me! 

Last night, I got up to turn on the propane heater for a while before I went to sleep, and a big burst of flame shot out.  Lots of stuff was on fire.  I was running around barefoot on the rocks where I'm camped, trying to get everything out of the trailer that was on fire out of the trailer.  Then trying to put things out by pouring water on them ... in one case, I peed on a small bit of burning stuff! 

Here's what I posted on Facebook:

Almost had won a Darwin Award again last night. And yes, it was all my fault, and I should be better prepared. Short version: I had a fire in my trailer last night. Long version: I had not properly connected the line from my big propane tank to my heater and when I lit it, BOOM. If I could have watched it from above, I would have laughed my ass off. I pulled everything that was burning outside, and put out the stuff on the inside with my freakin SPRAY BOTTLE. My extinguisher is empty. DUH. I put one of the outside things out by peeing on it! hahahahahah. That's USING YOUR HEAD, huh? I couldn't find my phone, or I would have called one of my neighbors for help. And no, they're too far away to see that I'm on fire. I can't find one of my shoes, so I guess it burned up. Otherwise, everything is ok.

I had a Doctor's Appointment today, and the Doc told me to get a propane monitor and a CO monitor.  Yes , Doctor!  😃

This last year... 2017

I've been thinking a lot about future and past lately.  One thing I've realized is that this last year, with all of the crazy stuff that's happened to me; has been the best 12 months of my life.

I feel fantastic right now, even after almost setting myself, my trailer, and my wonderful dog Lacy, on fire.  There are now, and always will be , challenges.  Things that make me wonder what the hell I'm doing.  But I believe and know in my heart, that God is watching out for me.

But if I were to cross that bridge tonight, I would have no regrets.  I would feel bad for those people who would miss me, but would feel like I've had a great life.

And that the best is yet to come.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

What's Next - Feb 2018

To be honest, this post is mainly for me to put down on "paper" my thoughts. 

Move stuff in Storage Unit

My primary philosophy has been : "If I haven't need it in the last year, I don't need it". 
Almost all my books fall into that category.  I no longer have space for a library. If I ever really did.  Many books sat on the shelf and never moved. 

Get rid of all but tools and camping stuff?  Probably.  There is a Goodwill Donation Center right next to my Storage Facility.  I might be able to get them to come by with a truck.   

Keep my Jeep?  I really want to.  There are so many places that I could ride it out here in Arizona.  But I don't NEED it.  I just WANT it. 

My tools (wish I had them right now) include a table saw, several types of saws, and other power tools and hand tools.  These are close to a necessity for me to finish my trailer.  I also have a guitar and mandolin, a desktop computer (real high-end , good for editing video files), some guns; hunting rifle, muzzleloader . 

If I move what I haven't given to Goodwill , where will I move it to?  

Where will I stay while I do this?  It will take a few days, I'm sure. There are NO boondocking sites in or near Co Springs.  I will NOT spring for an hotel room. Earlier this year, I could camp at the southernmost WalMart overnight.  

When to do this?  It will start warming up here soon.  Colorado weather is so unpredictable 

Find place to settle as a permanent homebase?

Two of my friends have bought an acre or 2 of land just East of Show Low, AZ.  They have suggested that I should do the same.  It's in Apache County, and they're at 6000 ft elevation, making it a great Summer home.  

I've been looking very seriously about establishing residency in South Dakota.  It is the easiest state to make a permanent residence out of.  Really cold in Winter, but wonder what the rest of the year would be like. 

Campground host job.

I have been offered and accepted a position in Sierra National Forest as a campground host.  I believe that starts in May.  

Lots of decisions to make, and I'm spending most of my time resting up right now.  

2018 - so far (2/24/2018)

So far

I won't go so far as to say it's been a lousy year.   It certainly hasn't .  I have 2 more months staying on the road, adjusting to the lifestyle even more.  I have made some changes in my trailer which should make it a little easier to move around, and easier to just pull over and sleep.  Prior to this, much unloading and moving things around, have been required.  I've started using more hooks on the walls, to keep fewer things on the floor .  


Still getting over being sick for about 2 months at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018.  My symptoms were never severe enough to justify an ER visit, but I'm still feeling somewhat weak. 

I also am running out of a med I take and couldn't get an appointment for a refill until this coming Monday, 2/26.  A dear friend helped me out, with about 20 pills.  Though these are half-strength, taking only one involves some mild withdrawal symptom.  That is what I've been doing.  

Just this last week, I started to show symptoms of Sciatica.  I basically took Ibuprofen and slept.  It feels better this morning, but still feels like it could easily return.  So, I will need to continue resting as much as I can stand to.  


Still struggling with living on once a month payday.  So far it feels like too much month, and not enough money.  It's a matter of discipline, and I'm still developing that at the age of 65. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

A little further West

Big River BLM got way too crowded.  After being on the road a bit , I've come to wonder why some people just have to pull their rig right next to someone else!  Even among the community of long-term campers, there are those who seem to want to be in a neighborhood.  I personally don't get it.  Many of the folks I know have the same opinion.  Especially full-timer RVers.

Where I'm at now is about 3 miles West of where I was.  There are 5 rigs in about a 10 square mile area.  Of course, someone moved about 200 yards away from me!   It's still pretty deserted.

I seem to need that in order to get any work done.  And I've got some rearranging to do.
Still getting rid of the "yard sale" .  😊

Saturday, January 27, 2018


"Out here on the perimeter
there are no stars
out here
we is stoned immaculate

The Wasp (Texas Radio and the Big Beat)  - The Doors

Friday, January 26, 2018

Solar problem fixed (???)

I've had a problem with my solar power system since around Labor Day. I could not seem to generate enough power to keep my batteries sufficiently charged. At one point, Batteries Plus replaced all 4 6 volt batteries for me. I have replaced everything , except for my solar panel. It was part of my plan to add one to my existing system. I bought another one this Wednesday, and behold, She is making Lots of Electricity! So, it seems like I probably damaged this panel . In fact, I'm pretty sure it was while I was parked at Rampart Range Road back in August and until Labor Day.
If this continues, I will be ready to add a 12V fridge/freezer to my system. At this time, I have no plans to add any other "appliances".

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Uncle Pat goes to Jail

A few months back, one of my friends suggested that I write down some of my adventures and mis-adventures.   Back on September 27, 2017, I was retrieving a gun that I had pawned at a pawn shop.  They always run a federal background check whenever you get your firearm out of hock, just as if you are buying it for the first time. I had forgotten that I had to pay a ticket , and that the deadline was the day before.  This particular morning , the folks at the Pueblo County Courthouse were being very efficient and issued a "bench warrant" for my arrrest.  When a federal background check is run, the software automatically checks for any outstanding warrants.  If it finds any , it automatically contacts the local constabulary and sends them to where you are, instructing them to take you into custody.
So, I decided to write this as a children's story.  For some reason, it just seemed like the right format for something so absurd.  Oh, and the ticket was for a "leash law violation"...

Uncle Pat goes to Jail

One day Your Aunt Mary was telling your cousin Tracy a story
This story was about the day that Uncle Pat went to jail
We'll talk about jail later, but it's a place that we always want to avoid.
People make you stay in the same place all the time,
And some of the other people staying there are kind of mean
It's kind of like church! 

Your uncle Pat got a ticket one day
(a ticket is a piece of paper those nice policemen sometimes give you because you did something naughty,
And they saw you doing it.
So, they give you this ticket, and you are supposed to give some money to some nice people who work in a building downtown called a courthouse.  You might find out about those later, when you start driving, or if your big sister likes to get you into trouble)

So, uncle Pat got a ticket. And that silly uncle Pat forgot to pay it. 
Silly uncle Pat.
So one day, he was in a pawn shop, buying a gun, and some nice policemen showed up and arrested uncle Pat.  He said, "But gosh darn it, why the heck are you doing this?"
And the nice policemen said , "Silly uncle Pat! You forgot to pay a ticket.  Now watch your head" as he made him sit in the back seat of the car, with handcuffs on.

That sweet dog Lacy was sitting in the car , waiting for that silly uncle Pat.  But the nice policemen let uncle Pat call his friend Weldon.  Nice uncle Weldon came and got Lacy and took her back to his house.

The nice policemen took Uncle Pat to the El Paso Country Jail and got him a room.  He had to share the room with other men who forgot to pay tickets, and had robbed banks and been mean to other people.  He had to stay at the jailhouse until they let him pay his fine , and then they let him go.  It took them 12 hours to let him go.  Thankfully, there was a toilet in the room where all the men were staying.  It wasn't nice like the one we have here at home, and it didn't have a door.  Or a toilet seat.

Uncle Pat was lucky.  He got very hungry, and the nice men who worked at the jailhouse brought a lunch with a cup with some kind of meat, and some lettuce and a cookie.  And a drink of some sort.  Uncle Pat ate everything they gave him, but was still hungry.  But the nice men who worked there reminded uncle Pat that the jailhouse is not a resort hotel, and they were very busy , and that it was a good idea to not complain. 

It was about 11:30 at night when uncle Pat got out of jail.  He was awfully happy to put that adventure behind him.  He told me that next time, he'll be sure to take care of any tickets that those nice policemen give him. 

The end.    

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

NOT Going to the RTR. Why?

NOT Going to the RTR.  Why?

Not sure if anyone cares, but I'm going to put it in "black and white" (virtual). 

There was a little broo hah hah down in the area where Jimindenver camped.  As usual, Jim had a group of camp followers .  An incident occurred where one of the followers threatened to spray someone's dog with bear spray.  Later they tried to de-escalate, but forgot to remove the thread where this statement was made:

I was advised to carry bear spray to protect my kitten....I pass that advice to you...Carry bear spray if you have to protect the yorkies.


I said that "Do NOT spray my dog with bear spray.  Just DON'T". 

Several people jumped all over me in that thread.  Especially RoamingKat, Geogentry and Headache.  (I will keep mentioning their name until I get a cease and desist order... which will involve time in court for EVERYONE involved). 

Then there was the thread where rumors and gossip started going nuts.  "The BLM is going to start enforcing the 14 day limit"... No one bothered to go out and ask other campers if they had talked to the BLM rangers.  I did;  only one guy had. 

I drove down to Ehrenberg Sunday 1/14/18,  to see what was the story.  Several campers who were there when I left are still there.  So, it was just a bunch of rumors.

I felt like I had had enough .  The forum was initially the source of much information and inspiration for me.  It seems to me that it has turned into Facebook, or AOL.
I do not want to be associated with them. 

I STILL think the world of Bob Wells and several members, especially Highdesertranger and masterplumber.  There are others as well, but I don't want this to sound like an award ceremony. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

One Year on the Road

One year ago today I spent my first night in my trailer at the 2017 RTR in Quartzsite, AZ.

I had committed to giving it a year, even if I thought I hated it after 6 months.  So here I am, and I'm still doing it .  I look forward to spending the rest of my life being on "Driveabout".

As it is, I don't actually drive every day.  I usually spend at least 14 days in one spot.  In the future , I may do more driving every day.  For example, I want to travel up the coast of CA, starting in San Francisco and ending at the Olympic Peninsula in WA.

I will probably drive more often.  But even then, I believe I will stay at least 2 or 3 days wherever I am.

Thanks to those folks who actually read some of this!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Looking back over the last Year


It's been a heck of a year.  Some good, some bad.  I learned a lot, saw a lot of Arizona, and have become a lot more comfortable on the road.  The kind of daily flow, when to move, how to figure out where to go next, how to assess a camping spot for my preferences. 


next week will be the 1st anniversary of my first night spent in my trailer.  That was at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) which is a get together, sponsored by Bob Wells. 

I've seen a lot of AZ over this last year.  I will freely admit, I stayed in my friend's 5th wheel for 6 months while I attempted to work on my cargo trailer.  Then I hit the road again around mid-August or so.

I've lost my dog Taz, who I was really close to .  I spent 12 hours in the El Paso County jail for forgetting to pay a leash-law violation ticket.   This got a bench warrant issued, which caused a couple of cops to come and take me into custody.

I got a ticket from a forest service ranger in Pike National Forest for overstaying the 14-day limit.  The 14-day limit is pretty standard among lands owned by the federal government.
That cost $104... I paid it.  After staying at the jailhouse, I wasn't taking anymore chances.

I got kicked out of San Isabel National Forest, mainly because (In my opinion) I look like trailer trash.  I don't fit into some rangers view of what an RV'er should look like.  I'm just poor white trash.

On the other hand, I've gotten to see a lot of places I've never seen.  I've experienced a kind of freedom most people only dream about.  I'm doing what I moved to Colorado to do.  See the West.   So far, I've mostly seen Arizona.  But that's ok, there's a lot to see here.  My experiences on the road have toughened me up, I think.  These are the kinds of experiences that my mind was made for ... how to find water, propane, a spot to camp, remembering where certain things are in towns I've been in before.

So, it is traditional when doing a summary of the following year, to do an assessment of goals for this coming year
  • Continue to simplify and possibly move into more primitive camping experiences. 
  • See more states 
  • Work on archery, music, fly-fishing, HAM radio , etc... 
  • reorganize the trailer again!  :) 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

2017 campsites

{this is really just me tracking my own travels}

These are the places I stayed in 2017

Mittry Lake BLM
Q Casino
Pilot Knob BLM (Felicity, CA)
Weldon's 5th Wheel
Rampart Range Road
Greenhorn Mtn Road
Walmart - C/S, South Academy
78C , 12 mile road , near Beulah
A1 Mountain Road , Flagstaff
Crown King Road, Prescott
Mesa Verde Entrance BLM
Page, AZ BLM
Butler Ave, Flagstaff (beside I40)
Lake Havasu City , North of town, West of side of AZ95 (US95?) ...
                        one night at Jaime's Van Build
Ehrenberg, AZ
Big River BLM , Earp CA

Where Next?

I'm scouting out my next move.  Toward Show Low, AZ?  Texas?

What I've been trying to do this month is to live within my means.  {GASP!}
Yes, it's true.   I need to get what is in a storage unit in Colorado and bring it down here.
Giving me time to disperse of it in temperate weather, rather than what is in Colorado in the winter.

So, in order to do that, I will need some $$$ ... If I rent a UHaul, that will be expensive.  So, I need to start setting aside some cash for things like moving, or fixing brakes , or getting another solar panel.

So, for the next 2 months, I may just move around this area.  The idea is to cut down on long trips for a bit.

Earp , CA

It turns out that Wyatt Earp really did live around here.  This was after the Gunfight at the OK Corral.

From Wikipedia:

Earp, California is an unincorporated community in San Bernardino County in the Sonoran Desert close to the California/Arizona state line at the Colorado River in Parker Valley.
The town, originally named Drennan in 1910, was renamed Earp in 1929.[1] It was named for famed Old West lawman Wyatt Earp who with his common-law wife, Josephine Sarah Marcus, lived part-time in the area beginning in 1906. Earp staked more than 100 copper and gold mining claims[2] near the base of the Whipple Mountains.[3]:83
They bought a small cottage in nearby Vidal and lived there during the fall, winter and spring months of 1925 – 1928, while he worked his "Happy Days" mines in the Whipple Mountains a few miles north. It was the only permanent residence they owned the entire time they were married.[4] They spent the winters of his last years working the claims but lived in Los Angeles during the summers, where Wyatt died on January 13, 1929.
Though the town was never incorporated, the post office near Earp's mining claims at the eastern terminus of Highway 62 near Parker, AZ was renamed "Wyatt Earp, California" after Earp's death in 1930 with a ZIP code of 92242. For amusement only there is a tiny cemetery showing the fake grave of Wyatt Earp (his actual grave is in the Hills of Eternity Cemetery in Colma, near San Francisco).
The post office is more than 220 miles (350 km) from the county seat in San Bernardino, California; further than any other in the county. The entire region on the California side falls under area code 760.
Unofficial alternate names of the area are listed as Drenna and Drennan.

Two of my favorite scenes from the movie   Tombstone

(BTW, I don't think this is HISTORY, this is just a movie, entertainment.  The facts related to these events are still open to debate.  The legends largely came from Hollywood movies)

Johnny Ringo and Doc Holliday debating in Latin

Final shootout between Johnny Ringo and Doc 


Without knowing it, I've crossed into California! I didn't know, I swear! Anyway, I was trying to find a camping place outside of Parker, AZ.. which is where the closest Walmart is from where I've been staying for the last 6 weeks. So, I followed the directions posted on for Big River BLM.
I recently told someone that, "Oh, I just don't go to California"... and now, I slipped in unknowingly!
The question being asked was "how do you handle carrying guns and keeping up with the different laws?"... Since I'm from Colorado, and we have the most restrictive gun laws of all the neighboring states.... the simplest thing to do is just avoid the West Coast, and don't carry a concealed weapon. I'm still legal, and I don't carry a concealed weapon.
But here I am, in Big River , CA. Just down the road from Earp.
That's Wyatt Earp, kid!