Monday, July 31, 2017

Thanks to my friend Weldon.

At his place, about 20 SW of Pueblo... this is where it all started.  We started learning about solar power at Weldon's.  He did most of the work.  I provided some parts to add to what he already had.

He allowed me to store a lot of stuff in his garage, let me stay in his 5th wheel trailer for more than 5 months, helped me with many other issues and problems.  "Above and Beyond".  He helped me with taking Taz to his vet, stood by me while I was broken-hearted about losing Taz.  Has Doggie-sat more than once for Taz and Lacy.

Weldon has become family , as well as friend.



Yep, still in Beulah

I'm packing up my stuff in the 5th wheel trailer where I've been staying, with the intention of FINALLY getting my butt out of there.  I'm feeling like a sqatter!  Since my last post, I've finalized the changes I'm going to make in my trailer  before I hit the road.  I will continue making changes while I'm on the road.

I'm planning on staying up near Woodland Park in CO, off of the Rampart Range area.  That will allow me to drive down to Co. Springs and go to the storage unit.  I have a small workshop set up there, and have enough room to pull my trailer in to the storage unit.
In fact, I think of it as renting a garage more than renting a storage unit.

After I feel like that is settled, I will spend some time in the Lost Creek Wilderness area in Colorado.  Some of the CheapRVLiving (CRVL) folks had a get together last month, and I spent one night there with them.  I really like the dispersed camping facilities there , and would like to return.

Then it's either head for the trip up the Northern California , Oregon and Washington coasts, or head to AZ  ...  at this time, both have real advantages .... we'll see what happens.

If you read this, thanks.  I hope you find at least some of my travels and travails of some interest.