Sunday, March 25, 2018

Not much activity lately on my blog. Here's why.

No one is reading my blog.  Unless I point to it specifically from some other place.  You see, the "dashboard" lets me know how many hits each post gets.  And most of them are getting none. 

Some friends and family have told me that they've read my posts, but the dashboard says otherwise. 

So, if you DO read my blog, feel free to comment.  I had set moderated comments before, but for the time being, I'll take my chances.... even the trolls are ignoring me!  hahahahah. 

Poor poor pitiful me.


  1. I try to read every post, helps me keep up with you. But I don't get notifications - just check in every week or two like I do on the old forum these days.

    1. Thanks, Doug. I am kind of running a test. It shows up that this post has been read once. Thanks for commenting, and being interested enough to keep up.


For the time being , I will NOT be moderating comments.