Monday, February 20, 2017

Personal Hygiene

I was asked recently if I ONLY shower once a week. I have to respond, there aren't any showers out here in the free camping spots. Even tho I have a truck and trailer, think year-long backpacking trip as far as AMENITIES go. I'm on the "minimalist" trek. People with the BIG Motorhomes and even smaller travel trailers have showers. I don't. I close the door to my trailer and take "cat baths" , except for those times that I splurge and pay for a shower. And I don't spend much time near any metropolitan centers where they have 24-Hour Fitness and such. Quartzsite only had the amenities it did because it's a 3-exit stop on the Interstate AND the town increases population 10-fold in the winter. In the summer, it's largely a ghost town. So, no, I don't take a lot of showers. I hope I don't offend! :)

I do plan on getting a Helio shower in the future... such as this:

Helio shower on Amazon

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