Monday, December 26, 2016

Picked up my trailer from friend's house

yesterday I drove down to my friend Weldon's house.  We just spent a few hours hanging out.  That's how we celebrated Christmas.  We had my 2 dogs and his 3 dogs and 1 cat.  It was kind of like a party.   I certainly enjoyed it.

I drove back home in some of the highest winds I've experienced since I lived on the coast of N. Carolina!  Walking the dogs, the wind almost blew me over a few times.  And I am NOT a small guy!
I was very proud that I was able to back it into a parking spot!  I've been really challenged on that.  I AM getting better... I've spent time just backing up around my storage facility and the odd empty parking lot.   Still got a ways to go, but I'm making progress.


  1. Where did the "picked up my trailer ..." part come in ?

    1. it was parked at Weldon's house. I guess I forgot to mention it. DUH.


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